Our new and shiny Android port for ScummVM v2.2.1 is now live on the Google Play Store. After quite a long period of dedicated work from our team developers, and a month of public beta testing by members of our community who helpfully reported quite a few issues for us to address, we are finally ready to give you the stable release for our ScummVM Android app.
- Download The Secret of Monkey Island for Mac. Game: The Secret of Monkey Island: Size: 9.65 Mb: Runs On: Mac: Available Platform: Amiga: Language. Monkey Island 2.
- The Secret of Monkey Island is an adventure game that utilizes the command verb-based SCUMM interface first introduced in Maniac Mansion: the player constructs commands for Guybrush by selecting an appropriate verb and then combining it with an object or an inventory item. Objects that can be interacted with are highlighted when the player.
- Download Escape from Monkey Island for Mac to hoist the yardarms, batten down the hatches, and let the insults fly in the latest Monkey Island adventure.
Krinkle wrote:I have been searching all over the net for a place to download Monkey Island 1,2, and 3 but with no luck. If anyone knows of a place to download any of these games for Mac, please let me know. I love these games and have been dying to replay them, so any help would be great! Playing the original Secret of Monkey Island for the first time remains one of my favorite retro gaming memories and the beginning of my solid love affair with the point and click genre. The first two games in the series, spearheaded by the legendary trio of Ron Gilbert, Dave Grossman, and Tim Schafer, were absolute masterpieces.
This app has been significantly re-written and tested on modern Android devices, running up to Android 10+. It includes new features which bring it up to speed with the desktop ScummVM application, such as FluidSynth support, Cloud Saves and more localization choices for the UI. Also included is the Local File Server (LAN) feature, whereby your device can act as a temporary file server allowing you to download files (eg. save files and even the config file) or upload new ones (eg. game data) using a web browser from a PC or another client.
With this release we have resolved a few long standing issues such as:
- upgrading from previous versions without losing access to your previous configuration and save files
- folder navigation (based on storage access permission settings)
- Working special keys on the virtual keyboard (such as F-keys) as well as handling of repeated keys
Other significant improvements have been made to the interface of the application, such as the ability to choose whether the GUI will feature filtered graphics (bilinear scaling) or not (nearest neighbor scaling), several fixes for the virtual keyboard behavior to make it more responsive and closer emulate the behavior of a physical keyboard, and support for virtual mouse control using the analogue joystick from your controller.
Escape From Monkey Island Mac Download
By upgrading to the new 2.2.1 version you will be able to enjoy support for all the game engines that have been introduced on ScummVM since 2.0.0, such as Blade Runner, Ultima IV, Quest for Glory IV, as well as all the bug fixes and improvements made to the existing ones.

Of course we continue to monitor our community’s feedback and welcome any suggestions for improvement. As always, please report any bugs you encounter on the ScummVM bug tracker site.
We thank all our beta testers for their most valuable feedback and hope that you enjoy this version of ScummVM Android.
Glorious buccaneering in 256 colors.
Even if you’re merely an initiate of old school adventure gaming, you’ll probably be surprised how smoothly you’ll settle into Lucas Art’s legendary Monkey Island (full title “The Secret of Monkey Island”). That’s because it has many of the hallmarks that makes up a modern point and click adventure, and is a well-written, humorous and visually attractive computer game in its own right. Using Lucas Art’s own proprietary SCUMM engine (Maniac Mansion, 1987), you guide the amusingly incompetent Guybrush Threepwood through Melee Island and beyond in his quest to prove himself worthy as a swashbuckler. Along the way he’ll fight a dastardly zombie pirate, travel the high seas and save a damsel in distress.
Monkey Island was a major improvement from the dozen or so screens you would get from an 80s text parser-powered King’s Quest game. Not only were the graphics within each scene sharper, but the game itself was huge, spanning two large islands. And also unlike older Sierra adventures, the puzzles were air-tight – no matter what you did, you couldn’t do something in such a way so as to permanently screw up the continuity of the game and be stuck forever. There was always a solution looming over the horizon.
And finally the humor – primarily transmitted through the writing – made Monkey Island an enduring classic. The puzzles are exceptionally well crafted as well, providing a great mix of fun and challenge. Many are item-based, some rely on you interacting with other characters and choosing the right dialog option, and a few are difficult to categorize altogether. In one puzzle you have to follow someone through the dark forest. In another you have to prove yourself by challenging random pirates into ‘insult matches’.
The Secret of Monkey Island is one of the early graphical adventures so there are no voices, only text captions for dialogue. Although it has a point and click interface it pre-dates the age of icons and uses words to build up commands instead. But it’s still remarkably simple. Also there are keyboard equivalents for all functions. In a nutshell, it is extremely easy to control with keyboard or mouse and has all the usual options for saving, restoring, adjusting music level and adjusting the amount of time text is displayed.
The original EGA graphics were very good for the time. But they became a little dated with the popularization of VGA and Lucas Arts released a new version to keep up with the top games in 1991, including Monkey Island 2 (which had fantastic graphics). The resolution was the same, but the game became much more colorful (while EGA graphics had 16 colors, VGA had 256). The EGA game is darker and may have a greater ambience because of that.
If you’ve never played it, make sure to give it a chance. To put it in another way, if you were stuck on a desert island with nothing but a 386 and Monkey Island 1 to pass the time, you would almost certainly have a lot of fun.
System Requirements: 8086 MHz, 512 KB RAM, DOS
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www.gog.com (Remake) - Community Site
www.worldofmi.com - Vintage Website
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