System Shock 2 comes from a golden age of PC gaming: after true 3D engines had arrived, but before the all-action shooter had shown the world the commercially safe thing to do with them. No one really knew what they were doing, so games were risky and experimental, but they also looked good. Halo agan semua, para pecinta game. Saya hadir lagi nih, mau bagi-bagi link download game gratis buat agan-agan semua. Kali ini game yang akan saya bagikan mungkin bisa di bilang merupakan game lawas, buat agan-agan yang pengen nostalgia dengan game ini mungkin bisa mendownload game ini lagi untuk mengisi waktu senggang di tengah kesibukan kalian, yaitu System Shock 2. November 2, 2020 - by games - Leave a Comment Two Point Hospital Culture Shock Free Download MAC Game, Two Point Hospital Culture Shock Game Full version highly compressed via direct Link and Torrent, Download Two Point Hospital Culture Shock Game via Full Version. Go back to the root level of the second System Shock 2 app. Launch the app 'Wineskin' here. Now go to Advanced Tools Config Utility (wincfg). In the Applications tab set the Windows Version for shock2.exe to Windows 7. Close this window and go to the Configuration tab. Under Windows EXE paste this path: /GOG Games/System Shock 2/SS2Tool-v.6.
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- System Shock 2
System Shock 2
Windows - 1999
Also released on: Mac - Linux
Description of System Shock 2 Windows
Read Full DescriptionDoubtless among the best games ever made, System Shock 2 is a superior RPG/FPS sequel to the 1993 classic System Shock.
Anyone who has played and liked the original game needs to try this game. Even those who did not play the first and are looking for a mesmerizing and scary game that blends RPG elements into a first person shooter will enjoy this.
In the time of System Shock 2, around forty years have passed after events in the first game. After the close call of super-computer-gone-crazy SHODAN, the governments have banded together under the United National Nominate (UNN) to oppose megacorporation Tri-Optimum and other large companies. An uneasy peace now exists. When the game starts, you are at a UNN base. You go through some training missions, and the tutorial is very easy to learn and controls quick to figure out. The interface of SS2 makes controling your character easy: one hand on the keyboard to move your guy and the other on a mouse to look around and pick things up will serve most people well. Joysticks are supported, and it is suggested that you learn some of the hotkeys in the game to save yourself time and effort.
After the training, you get to pick a branch for your character -- either the Marines, specializing in heavy weapons, the Navy, strong in lighter weapons and hacking (close to the original game), and the new OSA, which allows you to use your Psionic ability to attack your enemies. It's a four year tour when you sign up, and each year you can pick your assignment from one of three choices. Each choice allows you to improve some aspect of your stats, allowing you to start customizing your character. During the game you will be receiving Cyber Modules, which can be used at machines to learn new skills, such as Hacking or Heavy Weapons, or improve your character's abilities like Strength and Agility. You can't be a jack of all trades -- once you pick a military career, its suggested that you work on improving the abilities that your character does best. Also found in the game are four rare OS machines, which give you a skill such as Auto Mapping, Sharpshooter, and Tank.
It's in your forth year that the game finally starts for real. The year is now 2114. You request to be assigned to the UNN Rickenbacker, the destroyer that will be 'piggy-backing' the FTL Tri-Optimum ship Von Braun. After the first three quiet months, a distress call is picked up coming from the Tau Ceti system, light years away from Earth. After that...well, your memory seems to be damaged, because the next thing you know you're coming out of a cryo tube with blood on the floor and a woman's voice telling you that something has taken over the Von Braun and to come meet her. When a panel explodes seconds after coming out of the tube, you KNOW you're in for a wild ride!
There are so many good things about System Shock 2 that I can only really touch on the major ones. The easy to learn interface has been mentioned already. The graphics are the same as the Thief games, and are quite good, with dark and light contrasts and the feeling that you really ARE on a starship. As you go through the ship, picking up the pieces of what happened and trying to stop who - or what - has taken over, you find logs from the dead crewmembers, like in System Shock. The voice acting is wonderful, really making you feel like you are there. The enemies are numerous and the AI is very smart, with mutants attacking you straight on while assassins try to pick you off from dark corners.
The sounds are -- oh my God, the sounds! I played the first System Shock with the volume down, but you can NOT do that in this game. The sounds are critical to your survival. You can hear enemies approach, listen for the whine of a security camera, turn around in dread as a you hear a turret pop up. All these effects make for a game that is VERY scary, the scariest game I have ever played. You will hesitate as you open each door and peak around each corridor, wondering what horror is waiting for you. A full stereo surround system is needed for the best music and sound effects, but you can still get some effects no matter what you do. The enemies love to ambush you, from the mutants who beg to be killed as they attack you, to the Cyborg Midwifes who say downright creepy things as they look for you. (The first time you hear one say 'Babies need fresh meat!' you'll feel no remorse for blowing one away. :) )
Other elements also make System Shock 2 a classic. The plot is fantastic, told to you both through the logs and e-mails and some of the cut scenes that you see in the game. Sims 3 expansion packs mac download windows 10. It is full of twists and turns that will keep you guessing until the very end. New for this game is that your guy has the ability to pick up 'emissions' from the recently other words, you can see ghosts of recently dead crewmembers. The first time you see one, you'll wet your pants and waste a entire clip of ammo on it! These pop up with no warning and are downright creepy. You'll feel remorse for the dead crew and even some of your foes, and feel a sense of urgency as you play - a remarkable game immersion that few games can boast.
The shooting aspect of the game blends in nicely with the RPG elements as you need to decide when and how to improve your character. There are about a dozen weapons and numerous other chemicals, items, and implants that you can pick up and use. Different difficulty levels and the three military branches give the game a good deal of replay value.
Finally, the game supports multi-player in which you can play with other people co-operatively. System Shock 2 is a must-play for anyone who likes FPS, RPG, or a well-written adventure game. Be warned, though -- this game is VERY scary! Although some people will only admit to being nervous once in a while, it's enough to give most people a thrill. I've thrown my mouse into the air many times when a monster suddenly attacked me from nowhere. Those of strong heart will play this game in a dark room at night and with headphones. Me, I have to stick to day playing. :) Even if you can only play the game in short bits before you need to go outside and smoke a cig to calm your nerves will still want to go back to it soon, though.
At the current bargain-bin/budget price, you can't go wrong picking this one up. Like the original, System Shock 2 deserves to go down in computer gaming history as a classic. Two thumbs WAY up, and a well-deserved induction into our Hall of Belated Fame.
Review By HOTUD

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Comments and reviews
Naniyue2020-08-211 point
One of the most atmospheric and terror-inducing video games ever made! This is one of the only games that genuinely scared me. Ask me to name my top 5 games, and this will always be one of them!
Fans have updated the graphics, and even made new missions, all of which can still be played on a computer from the turn of the century!
Graphics & models:
Missions, etc:
Sud-ita-fan2019-08-210 point
Piccolo aiuto: Usate il Riciclatore nello slot delle batterie,la batteria scompare, ma il punto rimane! ripetete con le altre batterie.
System Shock 2 Mac Download
Sud-Ita-fan2019-08-200 point
Fantastico! rigiocato molte volte.
Mr. Volts2018-12-021 point
This is still, hands-down, THE BEST first-person shooter ever invented! Storyline, immersion factor, and interactivity with the surroundings.. top-notch! You will never find a better (or equal) game of this genre. You can develop your character into about 5 unique working combinations, based on skillsets and attributes. The storyline is creative and interesting. It cannot be overstated. Thanks!
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System Shock 2 Download Mac Iso
System Shock 2 is available for a small price on the following websites, and is no longer abandonware. provides the best release and does not include DRM, please buy from them! You can read our online store guide .
Other Releases
System Shock 2 was also released on the following systems:
- Year:2013
- Publisher:Night Dive Studios, LLC
- Developer:Irrational Games LLC, Looking Glass Studios, Inc.
- Year:2014
- Publisher:Night Dive Studios, LLC
- Developer:Irrational Games LLC, Looking Glass Studios, Inc.
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