Nx Mac Download

Affected Software: NX 12.0.0
Scope: Windows 64-Bit

Mac OS® X versions 10.7.5, 10.8.5 or 10.9.2; runs as a 64-bit native application in 64-bit mode APlease note: Capture NX 2 is not compatible with the Case Sensitive or Case Sensitive, Journaled disk formats. CPU: Intel® Core™ 2 Duo or better/Intel® Xeon® series: RAM: 2 GB or more (4 GB or more recommended) Hard disk: 200 MB required for. ViewNX 2 is an all-in-one image browsing and editing software application for both still images and movies. Nikon Transfer 2, which can be used for transferring images to a computer, and Picture Control Utility 2, which allows users to adjust and manage Custom Picture Controls, have been incorporated into ViewNX 2, and functions for editing movies, including one that allows you to trim movie. Download Nexon Launcher. Minimum System Requirements: OS: Windows 7 or later Memory: 512MB RAM Hard Drive: At least 200MB free space. NX 12, released in October 2017, will be the final enhancement release on the Mac OS. NX 12 will continue to be available for the Mac OS through December 2019, with maintenance updates via the regular maintenance process. Customers with Mac OS can open existing Mac OS saved NX part files on Windows. User knowledge and experience with NX will be.

We are pleased to inform you that NX 12.0.1 is now available for download from the Siemens PLM download server. NX12.0.1 is an accumulation of fixes and small enhancements built for installation on top of Windows 64-bit and Linux 64-bit for NX 12.0.0.

Nox mac download

Our customers should please note a number of installation factors.

  1. Unlike previous dot release versions, NX 12.0.1 Maintenance Release is a stand alone install which means that there is no need to have 12.0.0 installed prior to installing this MR. This is a significant departure from prior versions.
  2. Depending upon your setup, you may be better served with a complete uninstall of NX 12.0.0 with MP installs, and then install 12.0.1 clean.
  3. Given that this is a full install, not an upgrade, plan your time accordingly. Our installation took about 45 minutes.
  4. The download zip file for NX 12.0.1 has been split into 3 smaller files using WinZip instead of one large file.

This has been done to make downloading without a download manager more reliable as the download time for each portion is shorter. This is done to avoid network timeout or other issues which result in failed downloads.


Because of this change, you will need to use WinZip or 7-Zip to extract the downloaded files. For NX 12.0.1, there are 3 parts to the .zip file. You will need to download all three parts into the same location and then use WinZip or 7-Zip to begin the extraction on the nx-12.0.1.zip file. Extracting all files from the nx-12.0.1.zip file will extract the files from all 3 parts. You DO NOT need to run WinZIp or 7-Zip against the .z01 and .z02 files. This will be done automatically when extracting the .zip file.


Before getting started, we highly recommend reviewing the Siemens forum thread for this release. Many users have identified small nuances in the installation - someone else's pain could be your gain!


To find the release package for your platform, click here. A valid WebKey account is required. From the Full Product Download page, enter 'nx-12.0.1' (including the quotes) in the search box to see a list of links to the release letter and available release packages.

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